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Soulular Clarity
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Fred Boshardt & Karen Lovelien

Soulular Clarity is a unique vibrational technology that has become a way of life for Karen Lovelien & Fred Boshardt.  It is a way of creating a clear vibrational alignment with your true nature.  It is for this time on the planet. For we, individually and as a collective, are the means through which the global shift is now emerging.  The Soulular Clarity tools and practices that have been revealed through Karen & Fred provide a way of flowing forth into your original life purpose, your unique expression that was coded in the seed that was planted within you before you first emerged on this planet.

Over 30 years ago, Karen Lovelien experienced a sudden loss of the life she had known. In recognition that she did not know who she was or why she was here, Karen callapsed into profound surrender where her only prayer was, “Show me, teach me, use me.”  With that, the veil to all dimensions lifted and the journey that became the discovery of Soulular Clarity began.

Over 25 years ago Karen met Fred. In addition to their own spiritual practice, Karen & Fred participated in a weekly group meditation practice, where the two of them began receiving information for creating a sustainable building system. 

They began to create in meditation in a unified field, i.e. “Wherever two or more are gathered in thy name…”  It is through this and all the practices of Soulular Clarity that they support each other in their individual paths, and their collective purpose has become a reality.

Karen Lovelien, TBG, is a direct descendant from Sirius B, an author, spiritual teacher and vibrational healer with over 30 years’ experience seeing beyond what is known in the world. Guided frequencies as specific tones with inflections, Divine Light and clarity move through Karen to unravel old imprints and align you with your unique soul purpose. With permission, the tones reverberate through both individuals and large groups shifting old unhealthy perceptions, patterns from this life, while clearing both generations and lifetimes. Karen:

  • Offers private & group sessions in person, or on the phone.

  • Public speaker and group vibrational activator.

  • Created and teaches a new vibrational technology you can use to create your life in alignment with authentic life purpose.

  • Identifies on Google Earth specific locations on the planet for planetary frequency activations/alignments.


Fred Boshardt, businessman and entrepreneur, is dedicated to sustainable building technologies and energy efficient construction.  Fred has a keen ability to see ahead, identifying possibilities and efficiencies while managing both the business and projects.  He has served as a board member with three not-for-profit organizations and has served in many volunteer positions including youth counseling and event planning, management and promotion.  Active in outdoor sports, he has a passion for the preservation of natural resources and for creating new sustainable solutions for living in harmony with the earth.  Often called, “Mr. Possibilities”, Fred’s life work includes:

  • Volunteering on a trek in Nepal with the Bhotia Foundation to help design the rehabilitation of a school and consulted with local builders on the sourcing of materials and construction.

  • Serving as a motivator & inspirational guide encouraging the sharing of each individual’s gifts,

  • Avid cyclist, river explorer, hiker, skier, and adventurer and

  • Leader of sweat lodges, river trips, and nature expeditions.


Karen & Fred, both Sirius Starseeds, have become a unified field of consciousness, a portal for clear guidance and knowledge. They travel as one, reactivating wisdom from ancient times while creating, beyond current knowledge, new ways of living in alignment with their role in anchoring the current cosmic shift into higher frequencies of Light for all. Together they:

Read about Karen’s life journey of self-discovery in her new book: VOICES: Women Braving It All to Live Their Purpose.

In VOICES eleven awe-inspiring women share how they braved it all to live in their true nature in the world.
Karen's story, Soulcraft of a Starseed begins on Page 19.


 Aveda Telluride Spa, Telluride

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© 2018-2023 by Karen Lovelien

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